UEFA president Michel Platini launched an astonishing attack on fellow countryman Arsène Wenger yesterday afternoon, with the 53-year-old slamming the Gunners prized youth system.
The interview, which is due to be published in Le Dauphiné on Thursday, comes out in a week which sees the epitome of Wenger’s philosophy, youth development, take centre stage in the Carling Cup. But whilst most Gooners are excited about seeing some of the stars of tomorrow, Platini described the nurturing and, on occasions, the sale of young players as treating the game like a business.
“Me, I only want to talk about football, he (Wenger) only cares about business. We must shut up with Wenger and everything. He is an extremely selfish person.”
Not content with just questioning Arsène’s love for the game, he continued by mocking the Arsenal managers views on goal line technology. Wenger has often called for it to be introduced to aid referees, but Michel was less than impressed with the idea.
“I would not mind if the technology is introduced, just as long as Arsène Wenger is not around to see it. (Smiles)”
With the reporter keen to switch attention away from the onslaught on Wenger, Platini was quizzed on the recent round of Champions League fixtures, which saw new boys Cluj-Napoca beat Roma.
However, he once more used this as a chance to insult his fellow countryman, who has achieved fantastic success as a manager, something Platini had failed at.
“The fact that Cluj beat Roma is very interesting don’t you think?, this is the beauty of football, where the small beats the big, something Wenger does not like.”
The news will no doubt be ‘water of a ducks back’ for the Frenchman, who will be hoping the latest crop of youngsters can prove Platini wrong and achieve big things in the coming season, starting with the Carling Cup.
he is jus jealous coz Wenger is the most famous man in France..jealousy is a bad bad ting..
platini is an idiot , maybe he is just jelous…. arsene only think abt bussiness??? where did he get that idea from , arsene loves football.. what planet is platini on ….???
Shocking comments
I always disliked him but these are simply utter rubbish comments by a rubbish person
i dont believe Platini would say that as he is a proffesional. He cant say that
is this guy on CRACK?
The original article, for those who don’t believe it, is Here
It’s in French, translations were done by Vince from ASCF
Platini doesnt love football – he is a fucking politician. By sucking up to the many smaller nations in Europe, mostly the new nations formed by the break up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, he was able to garner enough votes to be elected UEFA president. With Blatter holding his hand, he single handedly plans to ruin European football.
Instead of diluting the Champions League even further, why not strengthen the joke UEFA cup and restore its prestige by attracting greater finacial backing for it? UEFA cup means nothing nowadays when even 10 years ago it was a prestigious trophy. Why not bring back the cup winners cup and improve the standard of European competitions from the bottom up rather than weaken it from the top down?
UEFA have the best international tournament in ages, absolutely ages, and they went and approved an additional 8 teams for the 2016 tournament. Im sorry, but the point of a tournament is that teams get rewarded for winning, not for being the least crap losers.
If money disappeared from football instantly, Platini would be out of a job but you can bet your bottom dollar that Wenger will still be coaching, even if the standard was amateur
What on earth does platini have against Wenger. I’m not normally one to strike out against peple but seriously this gut is an idiot or even worse. How the hell did he get ito such a high ranking position. He was a great footballer he deserves respect for that but somewhere in the intermitting period he hs been abducted and replace with a self serving, deluded …. Yes anyway he really is football’s george bush but without the humour. What Wenger has done here I would have thought goes along with platini’s vision for modern football but there you ar. his is the same guy who called christiano ronaldo a slave. Sorry i’m going on here but this guy really really gets to me. It seems he is afraid of the premier league’s power, and those who hold power within the league he feels threaten him and so he attacks them. This is shown by the attacks on the two most powerful managers in the league; the slave attack on man u and now this on wenger.
I’ll stop now cos this is starting not to make sense. Lets hope football unites against this nonsense for it cannot be allowd to continue. Platini allies himself to the smaller nations but he’s made the mistak of attacking the most powerful in football; let it be his last. this man is a joke. GET PLATINI OUT.
So he doesn’t like Chelsea and Man U endebting themselves for sucess, and he doesn’t like clubs that budget well and kept the books balanced. What pleases the guy?
JS are you 100% sure this is what platini said. i maen nothing has been lost in transltion or anything. having had my rant and re-read it some of the stuff is beyond reason. I mean he’s come out with some dodgy stuff before but “I would not mind if the technology is introduced, just as long as Arsène Wenger is not alive to see it. (Smiles)” !?!?. That is just a bit evil. I wouold have thought even he would not have been dumb enough to do that.
WHat annoys me the most is that he will get away with this and I’m not just saying that because it is about Wenger. I would be complaining if it was said about any manager. Platini should be above such things.
How can any decision this fool makes possibly be respected when he keeps reminding us that he is an idiot?
Yep, this is exactly what he said, Vince, from ASCF has doubled checked the translations, even he was a little surprised.
I had a quick look and have found Platini made a similar attack on wenger critising him for buying young players bck in oct 2007. (many different places). said essentially that wenger would stop millwall becoming a good football club (ok thats media twisting but considerng…). I can find nothing at a glance of this interview so you have quite a coup here JS. Lets wait and see if this blows up as it should. I don’t know what platini has against wenger but it seems there may be some history somewhere. this is perhaps worth looking into.
Thank you very much JBM, from what I understand, Platini is jealous because Wenger was a better manager, and is more respected in France.
Michel seems a very petty man.
Platini is a cunt. I read the article and translated it myself. He did say these things.
Green is platini cos he’s a lapdog of the smaller eu football nations, so has to direct his shit against someone. And Wenger is a convenient scapegoat since he’s jealous of him probably for having a successful career.
small talk by a small man.. what an idiot
OK final one from me. I read the actual article though admittedly my french is poor and the internet translation probably worse. The view I get from it is that this is more an attack on Arsenal as a business rather than arsene wenger’s integraty as a football lover. I think this may have come about due to the recent release of the financial results for Arsenal Holdings plc. All the way through he says wenger prefers talking about business and what tips me in this direction is something you missed off the last quote JS “this is the beauty of football, where the small beats the big, something Wenger does not like.” because its not good for business.” (as i understand it).
Having found what he said before my conclusion on this is that he has seen how well the arsenal business model works and it scares him. I would agree he is petty but he has power and like all those in power he does not want to lose it. He got into power because he made promises to the smaller footballing nations and he knows if he loss their support he will lose his power. So he has to been seen to being doing something about the biggest power holders in football. I also feel there is some personal motivation to his attacks on wenger – perhaps jealousy.
This is a sad sad case of politics in football and just goes to show how it is being wrestled away from us the fans. I think platini does this to promote his own advancement and whilst the reaction within this country will undoubtably be disgust it will probably earn him favours elsewhere. There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. It reminds me of the kind of underhand tactics we would see in an election. The whole thing stinks but I feel Wenger will be more thn capable of getting on with it as he knows he cares about ootball and its platini who cares about business. I can only hopethat the next presidnt of UEFA is one who cares about the ordinary people who just want to support their teams.
I think Platini is out of meaningful words and just felt like saying something even if it is RUBISH . WENGER is great manager both in terms of players and club management genrally. NO manger can cope with what Wenger is facing, unless he is ready to run the bancrupt. Keep up the great job we are solidly behind you . GUNNERS4REAL
I think Platini is out of meaningful words and just felt like saying something even if it is RUBISH . WENGER is great manager both in terms of players and club management genrally. NO manger can cope with what Wenger is facing, unless he is ready to run the club bancrupt. Keep up the great job we are solidly behind you ARSENE . GUNNERS4REAL
I think Platini has no Respect by say things like that, that show us that he is not capable to be a big man of UEFA or being the legend of FRANCE. Platini is the one that must shut up!
If Arsene only cares about business, he wouldn’t get any trophies and maybe he just 2 – 3 years at arsenal. but in the fact, he is now 10 years at arsenal.
PLATINI is very jealous!! very poor personality and attitude, and NOT capable being UEFA president!
F**K Off Platini.You are simply not match for Wenger
platini doesn’t care about football, he is more concern with his position. It’s managers like Arsene that makes the EPL the best and most attractive. Silly plat is jealous cos’ he will never be a part of EPL history!!
That is actually unbelievable, is platini insane???
What a fucking prick! Pardon my french.
How dare he insult Wenger? It’s not about not agreeing with Wenger, it’s about the way he acts and how he turns a different question into a totally irrelevant insult towards Wenger. What a sad, pathetic, excuse of a human being. Having someone like that in charge of anything at any point in time is a disgrace.
It sounds to be like Platini is someone who has been gifted his position with UEFA based on his laurels as a player and now he is expressing his insecurity by attacking THE most competent manager on the planet. He is showing his lack of intelligence by attacking Wenger’s business sense. Arsenal is one of the only successful clubs that doesn’t have a sugar daddy propping it up.
Sorry Vince and J.S., as a French Canadian who has done some translation work professionally, I can tell you the translation is wrong. At least on the wishing Wenger dead part of things, the other part is pretty much all right.
What Platini really says is that he hopes that video replays never come about, and as a bonus he would be happy that Wenger never gets to see them implemented. Which is quite different from not minding if they come about as long as Wenger is dead first.
I really think you should publish a correction on this one, J.S., your blog is fantastic quality and it would be a shame for this to be a blot on your record. Here’s a new translation from the original if you’re interested:
Question: “Arsène Wenger and others have said you are a dinosaur on this issue (video replay, which Mr. Platini opposes)”
Answer: “I talk about football, Wenger talks about business. Quit bringing up what Wenger says about this. Arsène only cares about his own self-interest.”
Question: “Will video replay never come about, then?”
Answer: “That’s what I hope [NDT: that it will never come about]. I would be quite pleased if Wenger never got to see it implemented.”
Thanks for the great blog, J.S., and thanks for the great article spots, Vince. Glad be able to contribute something to the blog.
JS are you 100% sure this is what platini said. i maen nothing has been lost in transltion or anything. having had my rant and re-read it some of the stuff is beyond reason. I mean he’s come out with some dodgy stuff before but “I would not mind if the technology is introduced, just as long as Arsène Wenger is not alive to see it. (Smiles)” !?!?. That is just a bit evil. I wouold have thought even he would not have been dumb enough to do that.
i.e. ridiculous . I want to hear what the true footballing fruits of wenger(Weah, henry, viera, cesc and more) will respond to plattin’s.
This is downright ridiculous. You have every right to dislike Wenger, but coming out to attack a colleague like this is beyond despicable. Does he even know what decency is? Of course, Wenger, being a classy man he is, will not respond to such low ball attack.
The world’s greatest game being run by such a jerk is a tragedy.
Jean-Michel – Thank you Jean, saying he hopes Wenger is not around when it’s brought in was where the translation came in.
Wow! Platini’s a real bastard and that’s putting it mildly. So, he would rather not see improvements in the game by using technology just to spite Wenger? Unbelievable.
What does he actually believe in and want to do for world football? What was his platform for election? Seems to shoot his mouth off for no reason.
Not sure I get what you mean by that J.S… what is for sure is right now you have Platini saying he doesn’t mind if video replay comes in as long as Wenger’s not around to see it, and that’s flat out wrong. Your call to change it or not, but right now it’s giving everybody a false impression. I just thought someone should give you a head’s up on the mistake, if you want to disregard it that’s your business. I’ll still come around for my Young Guns news.
platini is a moron
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It would be interesting to see the entire interview, line for line, including the questions.
Reading between the lines a bit (and obviously I might be completely wrong on this), I get the feeling that the mini-vegetable was being asked about AW the whole time, and got miffed about it.
The mini-vegetable was a great player as any of us who were around to watch him play during his career can attest.
AW was a mediocre player at best.
I think it burns mini-vegetable’s arse that AW is more respected in the game than he is, so if this was a case of him being asked about AW in an interview where he was hoping to punt his own ego a bit, then this is probably a typically petulant and childish little jealous outburst by a small, bitter and egotistical little man.
He really isn’t a suitable candidate for this job.
He lacks the basic intelligence, imagination and open-mindedness to be in such a powerful position.
Looking at the technology issue provides some clues as to just how out of touch he and his ilk are.
“His” suggestion for goal line referees was actually mooted by Herbert Chapman in the 30s and rejected at the time by people cut from the same cloth as the mini-vegetable.
It’s telling that over three quarters of a century later, he is finally nearly getting onto the same page as the true innovators of the game were already on over 75 years ago.
You can bet that if the current technology had been available back then, Chapman would have been all for it, which just shows how limited this chop actually is.
The footballing world should press for this tit’s resignation.
This arsehole and his ilk (splatter, the fa, uefa, fifa et al) have no place in the modern game, least of all in positions of authority.
It’s time they were removed from the beautiful game, they’re getting in the way.
hey J, still wondering if you can change the colour of your rss feed text to something other Han white – can’t read it in any of my rss readers, especially on the iPhone.
I really don’t see what wenger is doing wrong bringing in youth and giving them a chance what is wrong with that. Surely this is much better than the way chelsea and city are run?
One word!
How weak is Platini, using the media to carry his personal argument?
mr.wrest u ar jst a fool to tell in the mordan gam we play coz ur not very gud at football ur jst stupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppid.morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrran.
What a fucking twat. He is the worst man in football!
Pratini must have a hard on for Arsene and for English football, I think he should shut up and learn to become non-biased. Everything that comes out of his mouth is aimed at the English league or Arsene Wenger. Pratini go count traffic(from the middle of the road).
such an idiot man!how dare he said using young footballer is selfish and only cares about business???i think he is crazy…
We want Lennart Johansson back. He’s fat, he supports the wrong team (AIK :-) but at least he’s fair and not a FIFA/Blatter puppet. Jean-Michel, you are probably right about the translation but it doesn’t take away the fact that Platini is ranting about one single football manager when his job as UEFA boss should be to talk football and not indulge in personal vendettas. Wenger (and the AFC board) has managed to keep a top European team without breaking the bank, that should be applauded not ridiculed, but I guess we all agree on that.
I’m really shocked at this news. I personally don’t interprete from JS’s lines that Plat wished Wenger dead and I’m sure a lot of bloggers on here can see the context. Jean-Michel, I dont think you need to worry about people getting wrong impressions of Plat. We are not thick and we know exactly what context it was used in, even if most of us dont understand French. That said.
What I draw from this is that Plat did not mean well, in any way. He clearly does not like Arsene. I simply don’t know why. I’m really suprised and disappointed. But we go on knowing his true colours. I can’t remember any encounter Wenger may have had with Plat. But when you do good things in life and impact the world, some people just hate you for it. It’s life.
Why do the major world football organisations always get run by incompetents? Blatter and Platini? I ask you!
Platini is way out of his depth.
Well now we know Platini’s a hypocrit. First he says football clubs must learn to deal with debt than when Wenger does that he says Wenger only cares about business despite the fact that half of the Premier League are ex-Arsenal players, oh no wait I forgot he hates the Premier League…
Seriously though, why do the presidents of UEFA and FIFA have to be great ex-football players. Clearly none of them are selected on merit of intelligence and what they can actually do for the game but they’re just selected for their professional careers (and most famous ex-football players seem to be complete idiots). Anyone with a brain and such a high position (wait, what does he actually do?) wouldn’t go around launching attacks on specific clubs and persons.
Jamie you shouldn’t have even published this article becos it is the most annoying thing that bastard dog can ever say, that fool is got nothing to do with Real Madrid, Barca, and Man city’s bullying but he is got lots to say about wenger who is helping the young find their feet. I believe he is trying to say Wenger is wrong for building his players, he is trying to say Wenger should join then bandwagon and bid 100 million for a pay that can be bought for 20 million, he is obviously happy with the over inflated transfer market. Platini has just comfirmed what I have always though about him, he is a cow, beef and he has just comfirmed it by himself now.
Great player, but an absolute knob in his UEFA role.
he is simply and idiot, a fool, idiot, bastard, hopeless and nuts
Its a free world and Platini is entitled to say what he wants. As its a free world I’d like to say that I hope Platini drops dead soon having suffered a prolonged attack from an internal cock eating parasite. What a despicable piece of human vermin that twat is.
im not sure if anyone brought this up sorry if it has all ready been mention but where platini says ” where the small beats the big, something Wenger does not like.” well thats just bull!! wenger has not said anything like that in the past and the fact we are fielding a young team tonight gives sheffield more of a chance. course he will still want to win the game but then all mangers would…the guy was a great player but is a total plum and worry him being in charge of uefa when he has views like this,bring back Lennart Johansson aleast he liked us lol
And this is how the president of UEFA should be acting? What a class act that arrogant little french c**t really is! Arsen, Wenger and England couldn;t give a flying f**k what he thinks!
what does he mean, wenger is only interested in business? what a stupid dumb thing to say.
a) football is a business and b) wenger clearly loves football.
as for self interest – how can goal line technology be only in the interest of Arsenal? it would be used by all teams and Arsenal are just as likely to concede a goal in this way as score one. daft.
wenger has said a couple of things in the past about things that UEFA should implement and basically it has rattled Platini to the stage where he cannot come out with anything sensible. its all just a personal attack now. the guy is crazy but will always be voted for by the tiny countries so he can retain his power.
Wenger’s reaction to the comments
Someone give me UEFA’s public email address (buffy2go3@yahoo.com). This is beyond stupid and someone should pay for this… Someone,I am not a violent person but this geezer is needing a kickin’. I am beyond annoyed… All I want is an outlay for democratic bastardlyness.
i can’t remember arsene buying mega players. But he raise them, look Theo now! Dude… this platinis guy sure don’t want to move forward as time changes, do this guy has a mobile phone? guess he’s still using plastic cups and thread.
Its all very simple platini sees wenger as a threat and fact the whole entire world is in envy over arsenalsyouth policy your bound to find an arse like platini that will always hate on the most respected french master around ”SIR WENGER”.
12. Carlos VELA (Age 19)
16. Aaron RAMSEY (Age 17)
17. Alex SONG (Age 21)
19. Jack WILSHERE (Age 16)
20. Johan DJOUROU (Age 21)
21. Lukasz FABIANSKI (GK) (Age 23)
24. Vito MANNONE (GK) (Age 20)
26. Nicklas BENDTNER (Age 20)
35. Francis COQUELIN (Age 17)
38. Jay EMMANUEL-THOMAS (Age 17)
40. Kieran GIBBS (Age 18)
41. Gavin HOYTE (Age 18)
42. Henri LANSBURY (Age 17)
43. Fran MERIDA (Age 18)
46. Abu OGOGO (Age 18)
47. Mark RANDALL (Age 18)
50. Jay SIMPSON (Age 19)
56. Emmanuel FRIMPONG (Age 16)
Platini is very jealous of Wenger’s success, he was already jealous of Zidane and Henry success .. What he said should be punished, he’s the president of Uefa, he can’t say this kind of bullshit.
A lot of people in France are upset by what he said.
What a joker this guy. Who does he think he is? Keep your fkin nose out platini.
And this coming from the guy who approved of Real Madrids pursuit of Christino Ronaldo. Of course football is a business, that’s why players are bought and sold and get payed a wage. Also that’s why we pay for tickets. I’m sure he doesn’t work for nothing. How dumb can this guy be? Sack him now. UEFA/FIFA – the’re both a joke.
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fuck you platini.we love you arsene
Platini was a great player but thats where it stops he nothing but and unfit useless scumbag.Weneger is older than platini , hes richer than him and he is much fitter.Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Just a quick one, anyone know whether me and 2 other will be alright turning up to the game tonight with no tickets?
either buy them there or off a tout?
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is their a bigger football fan than wenger?
if business was everything to him then wouldn’t he go the chelsea/man city way?
once again Michel ‘orange-faced-monkeymanc-boy-Pilkington’ Platini is chatting bullshite!
Wenger is the ‘Ricky Gervais’ of comedy. pure genius and a great talent spotter.
this has left some fans irate!
does platini prefer foreign investment to healthy run clubs then?
This platini is a stupid cunt, he should have no part in football at all, I think he should just do his job and shut his fucking fat mouth.
Platini is a complete cock sucker.He is trying his best to make Italian football strong again and he is failing.He should take a bath,role over and do a few under water farts!!!
wow, i never thought platini was such a scum.
Platini has forgot that Arsene is the one who contributed many players to the current French team such as Clichy, Anelka, Sagna, Viera, Flamini … Such a selfish man!!!
Platini is a complete bufoon. Looks like he was trained by Sepp Bl(Tw)atter.
i agree with lloydie. platini has been spending too much time around that other loony sepp blatter. out of touch and over paid. his comments carry no weight and i think everybody in football will find it insulting. wenger is all about the beautiful game and not throwing money into the trough for all the pig agents, mercenary, badge kissing deluded footballers and brown envelope grabbing men in suits who are shitting all over the fans worldwide. he is a pathetic and odious twat of the highest calibre!!!
We f**ing beat Sheff Utd 6-0 with a team with an average age of 19 producing some of the scintillating football that has even the sternest critics salivating. Who cares what c**ts like Platini thinks.
dont know who I dislike more, Venger or Pratini? I do know one thing though, Venger is better than Pratini at management and I respect him for that….dene ef (man u) fan
Platini may have been insane by de time he uttered such bullshit i think he needs a doctor to work on his medulla obulangata.
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