SKA Sunday – Is Arsene’s Youth Policy A Double Edged Sword?

He’s regarded among Gooners worldwide as a respected commenter and his forays into the Arsenal blogging scene have been highly successful. Now, former journalist and avid fan Mike Urbanski has joined the Young Guns team to offer his analytical inside into all things Arsenal Reserves and Youth. Known among many as SKA Gooner, his Sunday column – SKA Sunday – continues today.

Greetings to the Young Guns faithful. My apologies for the absence of an article last week. I ran into a buzz saw of a late season flu and it completely knocked me off my feet for close to a week. Back now, and ready for first team action.

Without straying too far afield from what Young Guns does in providing news and analysis of the youth/reserve players, I’m often of a mind to watch what Arsene is doing with the senior players to get a feel for where the opportunities will be for the players coming up. This will hopefully be an ongoing series for SKA Sundays and this week we’ll start with goalkeeper and defense. I hope you’ll all join in the debate.

Right. So, we’re closing in on the end of the season. It’s all to play for in the Premiership and the Champions League for the senior side and the reserves and loan players are continuing their development process as the 2009/10 season comes to a close.

While Young Guns is duly focused on the youth and reserves, I’m often casing an eye towards the first team and trying to envision where all our young talent will be fitting into the first XI when their time comes. As I mentioned in my first article on Craig Eastmond, and as you’re all acutely aware, we have some top quality young players who’ll definitely be pushing Arsene Wenger for minutes at the Ems in the next couple seasons.

But therein lies the dilemma – is Arsene Wenger’s youth policy a double edged sword of sorts? At some positions the age/development stagger is a bit out of kilter I think, and some very difficult decisions will have to be made.

If we start at the back, it’s evident that something has to be done between the sticks. Manuel Almunia, while a super nice guy, is just not the ‘keeper to head into the future. Lukasz Fabianski deputises, with Vito Mannone sitting 3rd (but not a distant 3rd in my mind). However, the REAL gem of Arsenal’s stable of young goal keepers appears to be Wojciech Szczesny. His loan spell is going brilliantly and the reviews by all and sundry are that he’s going to be world class. But that’s the current dilemma – Wojciech is only 19 and the first team needs a goal keeper sharpish. With the summer transfer window coming, numerous names are being bandied about in the likes of Hugo Lloris, Robert Green, etc. The concern is that another regular ‘keeper will be placed in front of the young talent at Arsenal and delay their entry to first team football for an extra couple years.

Goal keeper is a truly unique position where a player does not really come into their prime, unless they’re Iker Casillas, until they reach mid-to-late 20’s. In Fabianski, Mannone and Szczeny, Arsenal have a trio of talented young keepers who could all develop into good, if not great shot stoppers. But none of the 3 is yet ready to take the full mantle of being “the man” at the back. We’ve a bit of a glut at this position in age bracket (with Fabianski leading the way at a still youthful 24) and development that will not fully benefit the first team for a couple years. While I am loathe to bring in a new ‘keeper and potentially put a damper on any of our 3 younger netminders, I believe Arsene will have to move in this direction this summer. If this occurs, with the expectation that Almunia will be shipped out, Fabianski will be given 1 more year to play Carling/FA Cup and deputise for the first team. Mannone and Szczesny will continue their development on loan. Ultimately though, I feel Mannone and Szczesny will battle for the fist team spot in the long term.

The defense is no less a conundrum. To be honest, it might even be worse. Bacary Sagna, Gael Clichy, Thomas Vermaelen and William Gallas. That’s not a bad back four for any team. From the Arsenal youth perspective though, aside from the 32 year old Gallas, it could point to a lack of opportunity with the remaining three 26 or younger. Defenders have lengthy careers. Good/great defenders are worth their weight in gold. In Clichy, Sagna and Vermaelen though, we have 3 of the best young-ish defenders in the Premiership. Now, we’ve seen Kieran Gibbs (before his injury) step up wonderfully when called upon to fill in for Clichy. Armand Traore has done a serviceable job as well. Vermaelen has been an absolute iron man, having played over 40 matches for the first team this season so far, and at the tender age of 23, is likely to be a rock in Arsenal’s defense for years to come. And lets not forget that Emmanuel Eboue has blossomed this season to give serious challenge to Sagna and Johann Djourou is waiting in the wings coming off injury. So where does that leave the likes of Havard Nordveit, Luke Ayling, Kyle Bartley, Francis Coquelin and others? And, as with the ‘keeper situation, the sumer transfer window could well see additions in the likes of Mamadou Sakho, Brede Hangelaand, Neven Subotic and others. Have we put ourselves in a position where, with potential transfers, the age/development gap between the youth/reserve players and the current first teamers is out of adjustment?

When I wrote about Craig Eastmond we had a rollicking debate about where he actually belongs in the side. Is he a defender or a defensive mid? Arsene Wenger prizes the flexibility to play more than one position. Eastmond will benefit from that and other defenders will as well. Arsenal’s first team defense does have needs, and they’re always going to need cover for injuries and the sheer number of matches played at that level. Opportunities will present themselves. But, as with goal keeper, I think this summer will see some purchases at the back end. Sakho is almost surely to come in. Arsene Wenger is jonesing to get him into an Arsenal kit. But Sakho, at 20 and already a first team player, is basically the same age as those current youth/reserve defenders waiting in line for their chance. What this can only mean for some in that line is another season in the reserves or on loan spells. Defender is a position, like ‘keeper, where the player has to be patient for their chance and can look forward to a fairly lengthy career. But as most of us know, patience is not long on supply for talented 19 or 20 year old footballers. I can only hope that there are cool heads talking to the lads in the likes of Liam Brady and others to let them know that their chance will indeed come at Arsenal.

Let me end this piece by stating categorically that I support 100% Arsenal’s youth policy. I would not want us to build our squads any other way. Arsene Wenger and those in management at The Arsenal have created a model for real long term success and stability. But with the summer transfer window coming up and knowing that there are some immediate needs that will not be filled by current youth/reserve players, it’s my hope that we do not put too much of a restraint on those lads who truly have a shot at wearing the Arsenal kit on Saturdays in years to come. Some difficult decisions await on releasing some of the current crop or sending them out on loan. But there is a tremendous talent pool waiting in line to make us all proud.

89 thoughts on “SKA Sunday – Is Arsene’s Youth Policy A Double Edged Sword?

  • March 21, 2010 at 5:51 am

    1. im pretty sure wenger wont actually bring in a ‘keeper, he has faith in almunia (for an unknown reason)
    2. “Sakho will almost definitely brought in”. How in god’s name do you know that?

    im afraid an inaccurate blog.

    • March 21, 2010 at 4:09 pm

      If the youngsters are actually of “Arsenal Class” then they will rise to the top, because Wenger is a manager who will give players a true chance if he believe they are good enough.

      Look at Gibbs.

    • March 21, 2010 at 5:40 pm

      @NB52 I agree 100%
      Almunia just saved us the title in the west Ham game and he has done a good job for us this season I just dont see him being replaced
      Sakho is one of the most expensive youngsters in French Football he wont be bought and I can guarantee that. The player we will bring in is Stefan Savic who is cheap, tall and a promising youngster
      Now about the article – If I can say it in two words then its CRAP
      SKA about goalkeepers – Almunia wont be sold and Fabainski has been given his chance for the last two years and he still hasn’t taken it so if anyone could be sold then that would be him. Tech 9 and Mannone have to become better than Fabianski and Almunia and they will be our No.1.
      SKA about Defenders – I think this is one position where youngsters will get the most chances to prove themselves maybe not in the LB position but other than in the RB position we have two players in their late 20’s. In CB position we have Vermaelen and Djourou as 23 and 24 years old other than we have four players who’s contract are running out. Gallas and Sol might sign a new contract but Silvestre and Sendros wont so we will still need one more CB to have 5CB’s( the exact number of CB’s wenger likes to have) and our signing will be Stefan Savic then in 2011/12 season Bartley will be brought into the first team when Sol retires. In 2012/13 season when Gallas leaves or retires another young player will be brought into the first team maybe Ayling and this is how it will continue.

    • March 21, 2010 at 10:08 pm

      I back almost every Arsenal player but I dont follow the club with blind support. There is no way anyone can make a positive arguement that Almunia is good enough to be the starting keeper and is a positive for the Arsenal first team. He is by far the weakest link in our starting line up and has dropped us more points than he has saved us.

      On the Sakho thing. There is no way you can say for sure that that will happen unless you have Wengers transfer target list. Yes you can take an educational guess that Wenger will be signing a centerback and the likely hood of him being french is high and which makes it likely that it could be Sakho but dont make such bold statements or you just sound like one of those rumour boards.

    • March 22, 2010 at 4:29 am

      I think Ska has more infos as you both so I dont think the Sakho thing is wrong!!! Hope he will come in as he is a real talent!!! Or Subotic from Dortmund!!!

  • March 21, 2010 at 5:54 am

    I think the boss needs to make 2 or 3 signings. As you mentioned a goalkeeper and a defender are definitely needed. Don’t foget though that a few players will leave in the summer as well. I can see up to 6 or 7 leaving. This should then balance things out and I don’t think that making a few important signings will stunt the development of the younger players, especially if they are necessary.

    • March 21, 2010 at 5:41 pm

      it will two signing cheap and good
      Savic for 2.5 million
      Chamak for free
      I can put my money on Wenger not signing a keeper

  • March 21, 2010 at 6:09 am

    First time reading your column SKA Gooner. Great read, completely understand where you’re coming from. Arsenal have to maintaing a very fine balance, so some very tough decisions get made every season. Quick question: What makes you so certain that Sakho will come in? I think its a pretty clear that at least one CB will come in, but why are u so sure it will be him? Once again, great article

  • March 21, 2010 at 6:23 am

    good article…I am more intrigued about how you are so sure that Sakho will be an Arsenal player next year. I rate him quite higly, the youngest player to captain a Top level French club and a big part of PSG and would love to have him at arsenal but he like TV5 is left footed and have come across AW saying many a times about the need to have right foot/left foot combination at the back..guess if he comes he will have the advantage of learning from Galls for a season but will he be happy to come in as back up to galls and will Galls be happy to be back up to Sahko..

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:33 am

      both Gallas and TV are left footed.

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:53 am

      Gallas is right footed mate. Vermaelen is left footed.

    • March 21, 2010 at 10:26 am

      AW is the kind of person who sticks really hard with anything that he believes in. If he believes a defense need to have the combination of a right footed & a left footed CB, it will be his golden rule then. If that’s the case, I don’t think he is going to bring Sakho to Emirates any time soon, unless of course something bad happen to Vermaelen (I really hope not). I think he is looking for a young right footed CB at the moment (players like Smalling, who unfortunately snatched by united). Anyway, I really hope Djourou or Bartley can fill in that right footed CB spot. It’s always nice to see another youngster make it to the 1st team. As for GK position, I’m pretty sure Wenger wont buy any new GK. He has a lot of faith in Almunia, don’t know why but he is. Almunia will play between the sticks for another 2 or 3 years until one of the young GK (Szczesny i reckon) step up for the no. 1 spot. What bothers me a lil bit is u didn’t mention anything about the forward position. It is one of the position that need to be strengthen. Yes, we have Van Persie and Arshavin, both of them are quality player but that’s it. We need at least one more quality forward to complete the three front man position.

    • March 21, 2010 at 10:10 pm

      Was Gallas and Toure a left foot- right foot combination?

  • March 21, 2010 at 6:31 am

    Hi Mike,

    Your article was an ineresting read. The analysis you’ve made to me seems as though it is a certainty that Wenger will buy in several positions this summer, thereby restricting the development of youth into the first team. I don’t agree with this for three reasons:

    1) Wenger historically does not add more than one or two first team players in a transfer window. In recent times, it has been 1, or 0.

    2) I’d be surprised if Wenger replaces Almunia. He has done nothing but back Almunia when talking to the media. Almunia’s poor form coincided with the death of his mother-in-law, whom he was very close to. That would knock anyone off their stride. I’m not saying I’m ahuge fan of him or not, I’m just saying I expect Almunia to be between the sticks next season.

    3) Mr. Wengr constantly says 6 CBs are too many. I believe Sol will be here next season, Silvestre won’t be, and who knows about Gallas. That leaves one or two spots open (TV and Djourou filling the final spaces of the current 5).
    Will we be buy two new CBs if Gallas leaves alond with Silvestre? I doubt it. I think one of the youngsters will be given further chances. Be it Eastmond in midfield with Song dropping back to cover, or one of the others at CB. I’d be very surprised if we sign more than one CB this summer, and maybe we won’t sign any at all!

    That’s just my two-pennies worth…

  • March 21, 2010 at 6:59 am

    Sakho ‘s contract is up in 2012 – when he would cost nothing. Also Nordveit and Djourou will be available and Wenger will look at them in pre season. The Key will be if Gallas signs a new contract. If he does wenger will wait another year for Sakho to ge the price down, but also see how Nodveit and Djourou progress. Kyle Bartley is also interesting as he will have played at Sheff Utd most of the season. Wemger is not keen on spending money as he has put a lot of faith in building the academy and spent a lot of money is assembling the foreign talent he has bought. Boethlo is also someone to consider, he can play in a variety of positions. As for the goalkeeper, Wenger does not have a good track record. He will stick with Almunia and give the other keeprs time to develop. Sceznesy could jump the queue depending on reports from other people and what occurs in pre-season.

    • March 21, 2010 at 5:44 pm

      Who knows how good Norvedit really is

  • March 21, 2010 at 7:15 am

    Ayling, Bartley and Djuroue will have to prove themselves in the preseason. If the do good they will be ahead of anyone in the world. Arsene have already proved that if you are good enough and show enough potential he will not buy anyone to be ahead of you. Djuroue has already played a few big games and was so solid and good. He would had been ahead of Silvestre this season. Bartley is playing regularly in championship, they have to know how much potential he is. Ayling is class too. I would rather go for our current 3. Ayling is Arsenal through and through, Bartley and Djuroue loves Arsenal and have been here for a while.

    I don’t think it will be harder for Eastmond or any of our young players coming through just because we have a young first team. It’s a different situation here in Arsenal. You will be given as many chances if not alot more here in Arsenal. If you are good enough you will be given chances. Injuries will strike and you will have to take your chance when given. Ramsey competed against Fabregas(22), Denilson(21), Song(22), Diaby(23), Nasri(22). Because of injuries, rest, and suspension he is given the chance because he is that good.

    If many players not only show potential of world class but really is world class players for Arsenal, they will play. Wenger is surely not that stupid to let them sit in the bench all the time and ultimately let them go to another club. He will rotate the team alot more and make alot more substitute. There are many many games during a season.

    I don’t get the age fix of some.

    • March 21, 2010 at 12:28 pm

      Djourou to prove himself? He has some 77 first team appearances already. Add to this 10 in the Swiss league, 13 at Birmingham City on loan and 24 international caps… and he is 23 (not 19!). I guest that Djourou will actually partner Vermaelen next season. He would have shared games with Gallas this season, if he hadn’t got that injury on international duty. He is strong, technical, quick and big. Actually, the right footed CB we need is already there… May be we could sign a new left-footed CB in the next window (if Silvestre leaves). I suppose that if AW signs Van der Wiel from Ajax (he can play right back and CB), that would be enough. I hope that Bartlet and Nordveit (or another young player) will be given the chance to complete the squad. The future of Arsenal does really look bright, thank to the youth system.

    • March 21, 2010 at 1:10 pm

      i completely agree with swissgooner…. djourou must partner TV5 and switch from time to time with Gallas( who really must stay because of his experience). Sceshny is class and in 2 or 3 years will be No 1

    • March 21, 2010 at 5:48 pm

      @ swiss gooner
      Djourou will partner Vermaelen eventually but not next season, it will be gallas and Vermaelen as our preferred CB but I think partnership of Djourou and Vermaelen along with Clichy and Sagna will be one of the best in the premiership maybe not next season but the one after that
      This partneship has height, strength, meanness and there defending is actually quiet good

  • March 21, 2010 at 7:42 am

    Good artical. I agree we need a world class keeper soon. I’m not convinced with Mannone or Fabianski, but i do think Szczesney could be that for us. I think maybe one or two more seasons on loan, then he’ll be back to fight for the number 1 shirt.

    Denfense – I think Gallas will sign for one more season. And i hope Silvestre goes. Nordviet should come back and be involved in Carling Cup and fight Djourou for the 3rd choice defender. Bartley and Ayling will go out on loan again next season.

  • March 21, 2010 at 7:58 am

    great article, though i feel you left plenty of supporting evidence. i think worse than the defensive and goalkeeping crux is in the midfield and attacking trio. chamakh (sp) is coming in and other fans are still demanding another versatile midfielder (perhaps like denilson, able to slot into the holding role or move further on); so where does that leave lansbury, JET, aneke, afobe, barazite, and others still (i realize afobe and aneke are only 16 or so and therefor a long way off)? supposedly these are some of the top players in europe but it seems they’re more likely to wither away as eternal loanees, like randall and gilbert, until they’re 21 or 22 and obviously not at the level we would have expected. i didn’t mention merida because he is obviously desperate to avoid this fate by sailing back to spain this summer, and who could blame him? flip-side is that this isn’t the clairefontain academy and the arsenal is in the business of winning trophies right now. tricky stuff.

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  • March 21, 2010 at 8:28 am

    I think unless a defender looks to have exceptional talent like Kieran Gibbs loooks to have its unlikely that they will come through the youth set up.
    Im not sure about Armand Traoreithe jury is still out on him for me. We all saw the difference that buying vermallen a more experienced CB meant its probably the hardest for us to fill Im not even sure how much defence AW teaches at different lavels hence you will have to be naturaly gifted and the EPL is tough for any centre back never mind 19 year olds.
    I would sooner see us buy 2 CBs and a striker this year keep allmunia and get rid of either Fabianski, or Mannone and promote Szczeny.

    • March 21, 2010 at 8:58 am

      Totaly agree on to goalkeeper situation. I dont think we can complain about Almunias recent games, we should remember that he had injuries and a tradgic death in his family at the begining of the season. Hes had some bad games but the criticism has been abit over the top.

    • March 21, 2010 at 9:39 am

      I think there is a difference between vermalen situation and now. Arsene just replaced toure meanwhile Adebayor was not replaced. There was nobody close enough other than Djourou , now if Gallas extends his contract we should be fine with Cambell for next campaign while upstaging one from youth team. So we would have Vermalen Gallas Djourou Sol Nordveit and next season Bartley or Ayling can come on.

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  • March 21, 2010 at 9:19 am

    to be honest, if arsenal does win title this season, i don’t think wenger will bring anyone in, except 1 or 2 youth players. if gallas leaves then wenger might bring a replacement although i think wenger will put his faith on djourou. bartley and nordtveit will be back up along with campbell who i think would stay for another season. gk, midfield and striker already have enough back up. so don’t expect much from wenger this summer. another scenario, if wenger buy felipe melo, then i think song will play center back with vermaelen. full stop.

  • March 21, 2010 at 10:03 am

    Good comments, all. Very astute and informed. :)

    A few points –

    1. I will cover the midfield and forwards situations in later articles. As I mentioned at the top, this will be an ongoing series, and I’ll periodically revisit certain things as we go on.

    2. Indeed, there is much more to this topic than what I wrote, and this is the reason we have blogs. ;) Realizing from the outset that there’s A LOT to be said, I decided to break up the broader idea of our youth/reserve players’ transition to the first team into sections, with this week’s segment covering goal keeper and defender. Even within these two areas (‘keeper and defender) I could probably write 10,000 words, but this article was sitting near 1300 words and it was already getting a bit long. Do you REALLY want to read a 10,000 word blog post?? haha

    3. Regarding Sakho and my opinion that “he’ll almost definitely be brought in this summer”…it’s only that – my opinion. We’re having a conversation here, not an argument (at least I hope so!). I’m trying to get discussion going on a great topic. Relax, have a deep breath, and don’t take things so literally. If your opinion is different, that’s great. :)

    4. In general, Jay’s pieces are straight forward news regarding the youth/reserve players and are fact-based. My writing will be much more opinion-based as that’s what Jay has asked me to do. Please try to remember that when reading.

    Lastly, let me just say that I love the current squad. What an amazing display over this season to overcome numerous setbacks and challenges to actually be fighting for the title and to be in the last 8 of the CL. It’s amazing and inspiring stuff. And just behind this squad is a plethora of young talent just waiting for their chance at Arsenal glory. It’s what we all want to see for the current squad and the younger players. I would not change one thing in how The Arsenal have their youth policy set up. It’s a model for success, as I stated in the article. We’re truly fortunate to have a manager in Arsene Wenger and a management staff who have been so forward thinking in this regard.

    In trying to examine our youth/reserve players and their chances to get to the first squad though, I have noticed that some gaps between current development and what opportunities might be available. Some younger players are looking at the first teamers ahead of them who are only a few years older and the opportunity is a small one. Some younger players are not yet ready to meet the needs of first team football and a new player will be brought in during a transfer window, thus putting yet another player ahead of them. And some of the younger players will seize their chance and make the leap to the senior side. Of course no one can say absolutely what will happen or what players will actually get a chance to play first team football for The Arsenal. We’re all interested in the young players though, and I find it fascinating to explore this topic in as many ways possible.

    • March 21, 2010 at 12:11 pm

      When you say something like “he’ll almost definitely be brought in this summer”, that does come across as more than just an opinion. You’re speculating a high probability, and it appears as though you have some information regarding the transfer beyond mere speculation.
      Even saying “I think arsene will try to bring in sakho” would require SOME evidence really, or at least it would be nice to see some. All I’ve seen so far is paper speculation, probably based on his agent wanting to engineer a move, or the fact we have probably scouted him a few times, given that we seem to scout every promising talent across europe (I’m not saying that’s all there is, that’s all I’ve seen).
      Personally I would say I would like to see arsene sign sakho, because he fits the sort of player we need, but I have seen no reason to believe he actually will try to get him. I haven’t even heard anything concrete about any of our other CBs leaving. Or anything on replacing almunia (beyond paper-talk) for that matter.

    • March 21, 2010 at 1:45 pm

      All football decisions are interdependent thus all decisions cant be taken lightly.

  • March 21, 2010 at 10:24 am

    I don’t know why you say arsenal needs a new keeper so badly. Almunias form has returned but he wasnt really so bad earlier in the season.
    Poor defending has cost us more than poor goalkeeping.
    Imo almunia is very adequate for a title-challenging side like arsenal, and we will stick with him until szczesny is ready to take over. I actually think this could be as early as next year or the year after.
    While it’s true that most goalkeepers do not develop so early, far more than just casillas have: buffon, lloris, and akinfaev have all become recognised as top keepers very early as well. I don’t see why szczesny can’t be the same. He has the talent obviously, but he also seems to have the mentality. That is what I think will set him apart from fabianski and mannone, who both can look excellent on one day, but the pressure seems to get to them in the next game. Obviously szczesny will have to be tested in more high pressure games, but I have a feeling he can do it.

  • March 21, 2010 at 10:28 am

    AW is the kind of person who sticks really hard with anything that he believes in. If he believes a defense need to have the combination of a right footed & a left footed CB, it will be his golden rule then. If that’s the case, I don’t think he is going to bring Sakho to Emirates any time soon, unless of course something bad happen to Vermaelen (I really hope not). I think he is looking for a young right footed CB at the moment (players like Smalling, who unfortunately snatched by united). Anyway, I really hope Djourou or Bartley can fill in that right footed CB spot. It’s always nice to see another youngster make it to the 1st team. As for GK position, I’m pretty sure Wenger wont buy any new GK. He has a lot of faith in Almunia, don’t know why but he is. Almunia will play between the sticks for another 2 or 3 years until one of the young GK (Szczesny i reckon) step up for the no. 1 spot. What bothers me a lil bit is u didn’t mention anything about the forward position. It is one of the position that need to be strengthen. Yes, we have Van Persie and Arshavin, both of them are quality player but that’s it. We need at least one more quality forward to complete the three front man position.

    • March 21, 2010 at 10:36 am

      I don’t know that he wouldn’t consider signing another left sided CB. He never minded playing two right-footed CBs before, although it’s true right footed players are more likely to get experience playing on the left, and vermaelen has put in some good performances playing on the right side recently. Personally if Sakho really is as good a player as he sounds, I doubt wenger would be put off by the fact hes left footed.

  • March 21, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Great post, very interesting points, Almunia has done well despite the off field problems that have bothered him. I am not quite sure he will or should be our number one next year, I think it will all depend on if we win silverware this year.
    LB I think we have completely covered between Clichy and 2 promising backups in Gibbs and Traore. I hope that they both will stay.
    RB Sagna is a rock and Eboue proven to be an excellent back up not mention great going forward, although Sagna is still better defensively.
    CB Vermaelan, what a hero he has been this year, a true gem to have been picked up and will remain at Arsenal for a long time to come. I am hoping that Gallas and Campbell will both stay, should one of them leave, I would like to see either Sakho or Ciani brought in. Djourou will be healthy and only have another year under his belt which is what he needs.

  • March 21, 2010 at 11:51 am

    IMO Almunia will be between the sticks for the next 2-3 years, giving szczesny the chance to go on oan in the championship next season, the premiership the season after then challenge almunia the season after that! I think that will be enough experience for him to show how good a keeper he really is and iron out any weaknesses he may have.

    As far as defenders go i think the line up next season will be:

    LB Clichy, with Gibbs as back up, Traore being sold.
    RB Sagna, with eboue playing at home
    CB Vermalen, Gallas, Campbell, djourou, maybe nortveidt

    I dont think he would of kept campbell next season if djourou had of been fit and gained experience this season, but next season he’s likely to be involved and gain experience in order to take over from gallas the season after next. he looks a top defender who will only improve with experience. Nortveidt will be more involved in the first team squads making the bench, etc. when wenger rotates the older gallas and campbell.

    So then the season after next bartley will fill one of the spaces vacated by campbell and gallas after their one year extension runs out. next season he’ll be loaned to either a premiership team or a to championship one.

    I doubt he’ll buy a defender unless gallas goes or he changes his mind about either djourou or nortveidt. If sakho is really that good he might go for him, as he will play 2 left footed players at centre half, he just think its more balanced if you have one player who prefers to play right and one who prefers to play left.

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:35 pm

      I’m in agreement with you HotRod. Almunia has now regained his form, and even though he obviously isn’t in the same quality bracket as the likes of Cech, Buffon, Casillas, etc., he is somebody you can depend on at this level. I believe he will keep the no.1 spot until a time when Mannone or Sczsesny are ready to take that position from him, which could happen as soon as the season after next (2011/12). I don’t see any need to buy a new and very expensive ‘keeper to impede the progress of the huge talent we have waiting on the wings.

      I think Traore will be sent out on loan once again rather than sold, but I imagine Senderos and Silvestre will surely be let go. Hopefully Sol and Gallas will be kept for one and two years respectively, giving Bartley, Nordtveit and Ayling the time to make the transition over the next 2 years from their Reserve and Loan football into the first team squad. Keeping Sol for another year will also allow Djourou to fully recover from his long injury without pressure, and focus on getting his progress back on schedule. And again, if we keep both Gallas and Sol, I don’t think new signings are necessary this summer.

      Personally I believe there is a chance we might lose one of those, and Wenger will be forced into signing cover, Sakho or Satic being the obvious candidates.

  • March 21, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    I think we’ll see our young players on loan much more and for longer in the future. Mainly because the number of players coming through is much more than before because of the success of the academy. Much better to give someone like Lansbury 2/3 years on loan than one and then come back to sit on the bench. Just want to say also that i’ve been reading a few of the Bolton blogs and they’re getting a bit down on Wilshere. A lot of comments about he’s just an overrated light weight who keeps giving the ball away… Harsh

    • March 21, 2010 at 12:26 pm

      I think he had a solid game against Everton, weird.

  • March 21, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    Doesn’t this just prove that the reserve league doesn’t work? That younger players should play first team football at a lower level to become a good senior player. Look to Spain. Also, here in Scandinavia, the best teams loan out talented players for 1-3 years, and then take back the ones that “get there”.

  • March 21, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    i think we must not forget that all the talents will not get a place in the first team squad. Arsenal is also a business institution and they need money. Loaning players bring them money. selling promising young players will also bring them money ( remember Bentley, Pennant). and Obviously we keep the best youngsters but lets not forget the business side of football. Wenger is a genius.

  • March 21, 2010 at 3:16 pm

    great article!! simples…
    just wanna put my two-pennies in and say i hope that all the lads blossom as wenger expects, i.e=2 yrs or so, an that we DO have all these lads playing in the 1st team.
    reason being is that to challange for all honours, as i believe we will do without a shadow of a doubt, we need a team that rivals man ure, however much we hate them, we have to admire that they always seem to have strength in depth.
    for eg: if we went on a 4 trophy haul, that would be over 60 games in a season, now thats a lot of games and with players like JET, sunu, luke, sanchez all coming through at mayb the right time, ALL of these lads will have bright and wonderful careers, and remember about 50% are english, so not only will our lads have the continental flair but the english grit and passports, so the futures bright, the futures red, white and sometimes blue or yellow (depending on the away

    also 7 games to go, come on wengers army lets do it for Rambo


  • March 21, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    I think AW likes a R/L foot combo in defence as it allows for better angles of passing to and from the midfield. I am very worried at the lack of immediate cover we have at defence, despite the potential in the youth ranks. Off topic a little, but I’ve just watched Messi run rings around Zaragoza. The man is un-fu*kin-beliveable. I’d say Sol is shitting hinself.

  • March 21, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    The keeper issue is not a problem for Wenger.

    He could keep Almunia or even sell him and replace him with a keeper who is around 32 years old. Keep Fab and Vito as 2/3 keepers and keep sending Wojeck Schzney on loan to Championship/lower prem sides until the age of of 22/23.

    This would mean our 1st choice keeper would be around 36/37 years old, at this stage if Wenger still believe Schzney is still world class with all this experience behind him, then he could check him back in to become our long term number 1.

    Man City are doing a simular thing with Hart and Given.

    • March 21, 2010 at 7:54 pm

      Szczesny already looks too good for League One, which is fantastic. Wenger probably didn’t expect him to be such an impressive and immediate success at 19 years old. Let’s not forget Tech9 broke both his arms not too long ago in a gym accident, but it doesn’t look to have affected him one bit.

      The plan for next season must be to move Szczesny up to Championship level, but it wouldn’t surprise me if one of lower PL teams showed an interest in taking him. The only problem is how often he would get to play at that level, and Szczeny needs games, at whichever level.

      Perhaps he could even do both, spending some time as a regular in the Championship and then having a shorter, end of season spell at a Premier league side, similar to Wilshere’s short time at Bolton. Provided his Championship loan proved as successful as his spell at Brentford of course.

  • March 21, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    Someone said Wenger wasn’t very good at buying keeper’s.

    Well I think Maninger was the best keeper he ever brought and I really thought he was the future for Arsenal. I may of been 13 at the time but in the 97/98 season he was immense filling in for seaman during the business-end of the season.

    Lehmann, may have been the ‘marmite’ keeper, but I loved him. His unpredictable behaviour and arrogant manner of conduct was GREAT (the push on robbie keane in one game). I loved watching him, although there were times I was scared he’d be red carded, he was still great entertainment and a quality keeper. I will never forget his penalty save against Villareal in the 93rd minute to take us to the champs final.

    Overall I would say Wenger’s success rate in keeper’s isn’t that bad. Fair enough he brought players like Wright, but were always the back-ups, overall I’ve been happy with his no.1 GK, they may never have been the best in the world but they did a very good job in a very critical world. So to ‘blanco’ who made the comment about wenger and gk’s, thats my view

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  • March 21, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    Almunia early poor performances due to family problems? His poor outing against United, City, Portsmouth and many others happened before he lost his mother in law. So I don’t see it. Almunia is just not good enough and fails the test anytime he’s challenged. Any GK beaten by a 41 yards shot is not good enough. Bentley and Ronaldo’s goals?

    Has anyone seen Nordvelt play CB other than a reserve game? I don’t think Nordvelt is aggressive enough to succeed here as a CB. He’s too soft. Ayling and Bartley are rather more promising.

  • March 21, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    What will our team will be next season considering as things stand now
    I took into assumption that gallas and Merida will renew their contracts and we sign Chamak and Stefan Savic and won’t sell any of our first team players

    So lets start from Attack
    these are the players we should have next season Upfront
    Bendtner, Van Persie, Chamak, Vela, Eduardo, Arshavin, Nasri, Walcott, Rosicky

    Arshavin ———————- Chamak —————— Van Persie
    (Nasri, Vela) ——— (Eduardo, Bendtner) —— (Walcott, Rosicky)

    that’s plenty of height upfront and a good amount of cover if one gets injured.

    These players should be Sold – Simpson (Celtic) and maybe Murphy
    Players who will be Loaned – Sunu, Watt and Barazite (high hopes for him)

    Now lets go to the Midfield
    these are the players we will have in the middle
    Denilson, Song, Norvedit (possibly), Cesc, Diaby, WIlshere, Nasri, Merida (I dont want to include Ramsey in their because as we know it take a lot of time to fully recover)

    ———————————– Song
    ————————–(Norvedit, Denilson)
    ———- Fabregas ————————————– Diaby
    (Wilshere, Merida, Nasri) ————————– (Wilshere, Denilson)

    Players who could be SOLD – Randall, Nortvedit (possibly)
    Players who should be send on loan – Lansbury (EPL side), Merida (6 months), Frimpong, JET, Eastmond

    Now lets go to the Defense
    these are the players we will have in the Defense
    Sagna, Eboue, Sol (upto wenger), Vermaelen, Gallas, Djourou, Stefan, Clichy, Gibbs, Traore

    Sagna ————————– Gallas ———————- Vermaelen ———————- Clichy
    (Eboue, Djourou) ——- ((Djourou, Sol) ————- (Stefan, Djourou) —— (Gibbs, Traore)

    Players who should be RELEASED next season —- Silvestre, Sendros, Bothelo, Gilbert, Hoyte
    Players who will be Loaned Next Season – Coquelin, Bartley

    So this what our team would look like next season

    —————————————————– Almunia —————————————————
    ——————————————- ( Fabianski, Martinez ) —————————————-
    Sagna ————————– Gallas ———————- Vermaelen ———————- Clichy
    ( Eboue, Djourou ) —– ( (Djourou, Sol ) —– ( Stefan, Djourou ) —– ( Gibbs, Traore )
    —————————————————— Song ——————————————————-
    ———————————————( Norvedit, Denilson ) ——————————————
    —————— Fabregas ——————————————– Diaby——————————-
    ——-( Wilshere, Merida, Nasri ) —————— ( Wilshere, Denilson )————————–
    ———Van Persie—————————- Chamak ——————————— Arshavin —–
    —– ( Walcott, Rosicky ) ————– ( Eduardo, Bendtner ) —————— (Nasri, Vela )

    So these are all the players who will be Sold – Simpsons (QPR), Murphy, Randall
    Players who will be Released – Silvestre, Sendros, Norvedit (possibily), Bothelo, Gibert, Hoyte
    Players who will be Loaned – Mannone, Wzscheny, Bartley, Coquelin, Lansbury, Merida, Frimpong, JET, Sunu, Watt, Barazite

    that took a while WOW I guess Andrew I wasn’t going to do it first but since you did something like this I thought I will chip in as well
    One final comment we are going to KiCKA$$ next season I would love to see so called pundits from Soccernet Press Pass try and write this team off.
    We are at least 3 man deep in every position and our attack is as lethal as you can be in EUROPE. Next season lets go for FA CUP, Carling CUP, EPL and Champions League.

    But the imporatnt thing is to focus on this season lets try and win EPL and CL and we can try and better ourselves by winning 4 trophies next season.

    • March 21, 2010 at 10:20 pm

      Um bud that was a bunch of Rambling…….Nordveit to be released? What are you talking about? Anyways a monkey could tell you the starting line up next year because it will be almost the same as this year. I believe Jack Willshire will take over the right midfield spot and my player to really watch out for is Bendtner. I have a belief that he will be a huge player next year. He will be going on 23 and that is an age where boys start to mature in to men. The interesting player to me will be Carlos Vela. He has a ton of talent and to me has the biggest upside amongst our strikers but with only one striker spot and Chamack suppose to be coming in, who knows. Yah he will play some winger but he is a striker.

  • March 22, 2010 at 12:44 am

    Get rid of:

    Buy Sakho

    ……………………………………………..Van P/Bendtner/Diaby/JET/Afobe/Sunu…………………………………………..

  • March 22, 2010 at 12:49 am


    • March 22, 2010 at 5:23 am

      Get rid of Clichy, thats bullshit, hes a leader and hes been outstanding the last couple of games. Thats exactly the kind of player we need to keep if we want to win something.

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:23 am

    I think Sam has come very close to laying out what the team will look like next year, but I also think that Amit raised a very good point about being aware that there is a business element to all of this as well.

    I think it is pretty much agreed that Senderos and Silvestre won’t be back. Traore has been of limited value and may well be sold if Gibbs fully recovers (because Gibbs will want to play to make the England 2014 squad and which would you prefer Gibbs or Traore?).

    If the reports are true, Gallas may feel that he would get more security moving to Italy. If he stays, Sol likely will go, but right now I make it 50-50 that it’s Sol who stays. Then, there’s Eboue, who loves Arsenal and AW, but eventually-not next year, but probably in 2-3 yrs–will be tempted by the money and playing time that a transfer would offer.

    That leaves an immediate opening at CB for Djourou to pair with Vermaelen if Johann can fully recover from his injury. Sol or Gallas can provide leadership and play from time to time, but someone else is needed because Djourou has been hurt a lot and you can’t rely on Sol or Gallas to keep performing at a high level much longer. Nordveit might be ready to take Senderos’ place, but reports are that he hasn’t been very good in the Bundesliga this year. Bartley has shown great ability and potential, but may be a year away.

    I think it is likely that a promising right-footed CB will be brought in as insurance in case Djourou fails to regain form or progress or gets injured again. That CB can then form a solid 4 man rotation with TV, Djourou, and Bartley after Sol or Gallas moves on. Ayling would have a chance to perhaps compete with Nordveit to join this group after another loan spell.

    Even if AW brings in Felipe Melo (probably too pricey) to pair with Song at DM, Coquelin and Eastmond will have a chance to compete for a spot in the first team once Eboue moves on and perhaps even once Traore leaves. With Clichy and Gibbs soaking up all of the playing time, Traore’s replacement in the first team wouldn’t have to be a LB, especially given AW’s preference for players capable of playing multiple positions/roles. It would be Eboue (or less likely Sagna) that they would ultimately be competing to replace.

    So, there are some spots in the back four that will be opening up that the youngsters will have a chance to compete for in the next year or two–just about the time that they are ready to fight for first team spots–even if AW does decide to bring in a seasoned CB or an additional DM (although I think he will stick with Song, backed up by Denilson and Diaby, at that position).

    What will happen at GK is harder to figure out. Just about everyone seems to agree that Szczesny is Arsenal’s GK of the future. The questions are whether Almunia will remain as # 1 until Szczesny is ready in 1-2 years (or more) and what will happen with Fabianski and Mannone. The key could be what AW thinks of how Fabianski has reacted to his horrible performance against Porto. While AW told the media that he believes that Fabianski will be a great, winning keeper, he also remarked that it could have permanently wrecked Fabianski if Arsenal had not come back to win the Porto tie. That tells me that he is concerned about how it did impact Fabianski’s mental state. If AW thinks that, underneath it all, Fabianski’s confidence has suffered a permanent crack, he may be talking the kid up in order to keep his transfer value up. In which case, he may decide that he can’t trust Fabianski and Mannone to back up Almunia for another couple of years while Szczesny develops.

    If Arsenal wins the EPL or CL title this year, it would be hard for AW to replace Almunia–especially if he makes some big saves down the stretch. If they fall short, however, there’s no reason why he can’t go out and get an older, experienced keeper and, if he doesn’t trust Fabianski or Mannone to deputize, go with two experienced GKs until Szczesny is ready to challenge for the # 1 job. There are several experienced keepers who may be looking to move this summer and the World Cup may bring some lesser known internationals to everyone’s attention. If AW decides that he wants to bring in an older, experienced GK to compete with or replace Almunia next season, he shouldn’t have trouble finding one willing to join Arsenal.

    I think that how AW views the future of Arsenal’s midfield and strike force will determine whether he brings in an experienced GK. IMHO, since he will be bringing in a CB (along with Djourou and a youngster) and Chamakh, it is unlikely that he will buy any other players for the back four or a DM. With Arshavin already itching to move on (because of the tax situation) and Fabregas likely to want to make a move to Barca sometime in the next 2-3 years, AW has to be concerned about how he is going to replace those two key players and will probably want to marshal as many resources as he can at this point to do that when the time comes.

    • March 22, 2010 at 2:09 am

      Once again, taking the time to outlay the entire line up for next year is a waste of time. It will be the same as this year. Why would RVP play Left wing? ….anyways I think people are thinking to much. It is pretty obvious that we will sign a centerback and it looks like chamak is signing. I doubt we will sell any big player this year simply because I dont see a player that has value and wants to go. Honestly the only player I could see on that sort of block would be Fabregas and lets just pray that it doesnt happen. I am a bit worried that if Barcelona beat us badly, which unfortunetly could happen simply because there is no way that Campbell in a one on one situation cant stay with Messi, that Fabregas could see a gap between the 2 clubs that honestly is just a year or 2 away from being nonexistent. I would not be suprised if Gallas left along with Merida. I also would not be suprised if a more direct flair winger came in. That is my prediction for next season.

    • March 22, 2010 at 2:13 am

      Also I dont see Arshavin moving on because I think his value has dropped below what we paid for him simply because of his age. He is a fantastic player and my favorite player, but I wished we would have signed him at 25. He has unbelievable quality but he often looks tired. Would be great in the italian league. Prediction he will stay.

  • March 22, 2010 at 4:12 am

    We don’t have to worry about Fabregas until his contract is up. If we win anything in the meantime, we will have a chance to keep him for longer. He might want to go to Barca before he is 28 or so, but he has also hinted at staying at arsenal for the long term and possibly for the duration of his career. I just can’t see him breaking his contract. Can’t see it. I know that is putting a lot of faith in someone I do not know, but from everything I have gathered, from all the interviews and rumours, this is how I see this situation playing out. Even if we lose badly to Barca, WHICH I DON”T THINK WILL HAPPEN, he will not leave. II saw the Barca game vs Zaragoza, and believe me, they didn’t play well at all as a team. The most important player in that team BY FAR is Xavi. He was missing and it took a lot longer for them to get their passing game going. In fact, they never really did. Iniesta should have started and I don’t know why he didn’t. Guardiola got that wrong, but if he puts that right against us and starts him in place of Xavi, if Xavi isn’t fit, then we will have a bigger problem. I saw a ton of long balls. I’ll admit, I don’t watch a lot of Barca, but if Xavi is not fit, we can beat them. We are better than Zaragoza, and they made a game of it.

    • March 22, 2010 at 5:53 am

      Not another person that over rates Xavi. How hard is it for people to understand that he is just a link player. He is not the best player on Barca. He is not one of the world top players. A link player is simply a good passer that gives the ball to the superstars. Trust me, compared to Fabregas, Xavi is nothing. I could not imagine how many assist Fabregas would have if he was passing to players like Messi, Ibrahimovic and Iniesta. They scored more goals in recent games without Xavi than they were before he got injured. Sorry but it is really getting to me, how people keep saying he is so great. He is good at what he does, simple passes but he is NOT one of the best in the world because a simple link player can not be.

  • March 22, 2010 at 4:13 am

    Even if Xavi is fit, we can beat them!!:D lol

  • March 22, 2010 at 5:37 am

    Great article!! I often think about how up’n’coming players will work in our current line-up. One thing which I’m concerned about is I don’t see CB’s who will be able to step up in the next season or two. Djourou has been unconvincing and his injury this season really couldn’t have come at a worse time in his career IMO. I thought this season would really be his make-or-break in regards to seeing whether he’d be able to make it in our squad.

    Now couple what I said with the fact that three of our CB’s are out of contract in the summer (I won’t include Senderos who is as good as gone): Gallas, Silvestre & Sol. I hope we do all we can to keep Gallas. Silvestre can leave for all I care and I think Wenger pushing Song into the backline and bringing on Diaby in our last game showed Wenger has lost faith in him. I will be very interested to see whether we re-sign Sol. Even tho he is not the Sol of old, it’s pretty clear a physical presence in the backline is *exactly* what we need.

    So, in a worst case scenario, we could be left with Vermaelen and Djourou in our backline and absolutely none of our young players ready to step up. It’s a pretty scary scenario and if this season is anything to go by we would need at least another 2 (preferably 3) CB’s to come into the squad and they would both hopefully be better than Djourou.

    I’m sure you will cover this in later articles but IMO we have a glut of box2box midfielders and not enough anchor-men. What some ppl fail to understand is that a good DM in a 4-4-2 is different to a good DM in a 4-5-1. Flamini-types are fantastic in a 4 man midfield because of their work-rate. But in a 5-man midfield, bigger/stronger DM’s like Song work much better because there is more emphasis on positioning and plugging the hole in front of the defense. While we have Flamini-types in Eastmond and Coquelin we don’t have many/any Song-types. Which is why I wasn’t surprised we were after someone like Melo in the summer and I think we’ll be after a similar DM this coming offseason.

    The reason I bring this up is because I think attracting a DM will have an affect on how many CB’s we bring in due to Song’s versatility.

    I don’t see us selling Almunia, which means I don’t see there being a change in the GK ranks. I think we will only re-sign Gallas (Sol will go chasing $$$ as per usual). Djourou will be told to get fit/healthy (possibly loaned out like Senderos this season) but what that really means is that his time is up. So I see us signing 2 CB’s and a DM in the summer.

    While everyone is thinking about signing forwards this offseason my hope is that Wenger is looking at the other end of the pitch. Outside of possibly Chamakh on a free I don’t see us making too many moves up forward because our youngsters look a lot more assured to make the step up in midfield and attack.

    • March 22, 2010 at 5:56 am

      I have explained the different types of DMs needed in formations on here a whole lot. People kept saying how much better Song is this year but the truth is he was never going to be a good 4-4-2 midfielder partner because of the reasons you stated. If we still played a 4-4-2 he would be a centerback by now.

    • March 22, 2010 at 6:01 am

      It is pretty obvious that a centerback will be signed. I think Gallas has an affect on the the centerback we sign. If Gallas stays, I think he will buy a younger centerback like Sakho but if Gallas goes, I think a little bit older centerback will be bought.

  • March 22, 2010 at 7:38 am

    i think djourou will be backl fit in three weeks
    anytime before the end of the season would be nice
    Johan Djourou
    March 22
    Johan suffered a knee injury while on international duty in August and is expected to return to action in two months time. “It is still two months for Johan,” said Wenger on Thursday, February 4. “We have to be patient with him. He is working well and progressing well. But he is not an immediate resource.”

    and what do you think about the reserves only playing youth players
    i think eddie vela troare and a few more should be keepiing sharp playing them but then again the standard of the teams we play could lead to nothing but injuries

  • March 22, 2010 at 7:50 am

    I never said he was better than Messi Shane. But he is just as important because he gets INiesta, Ibrehimovic, Henry and the others to play. he makes them better. Messi doesn’t need any help. he is too good for that. But the others, at times need some assistance. messi can do this but not as well as Xavi. This is really what I meant. They do not play as well as a collective unit when he is missing from the squad. He is more than a link player to me. Are you saying he isn’t better than Denilson?? Come on now.

    • March 22, 2010 at 2:12 pm

      I didnt say he isnt good at what he does. I just said he isnt one of the worlds best like everyone says. The reason Barca play better with Xavi isnt because he is so amazing, it is because they only have one link passing player. If they had another one you would barely notice. By the way , what is your beef with Denilson? The man scored again.

  • March 22, 2010 at 7:54 am

    Xavi makes Barca tick.

  • March 22, 2010 at 9:31 am

    Interesting article, but for the opportunity to look at the options in each position rather than for the idea in your fairly stupid, hysterical title.

    Is the youth policy a double edged sword?

    Only if having a surplus of young, not quite good enough players that we can flog to lower down team for probable 6 figure+ fees is considered an edge. It may be hard for the players who don’t make it and for the coaches who have to deliver the news but for the club it’s only a good thing. It’s not even close to being a double edged sword, unless the edge that could cut you is made out of chocolate, blow jobs and high percentage sell on fees.

    The only way I can really think that it would hurt the club (the only thing that matters) would be if other young players who we attempt to sign are put off signing by the quality in front of them, and I don’t really see that happening as long as we have such a good reputation for bring through young players.

  • March 22, 2010 at 10:00 am

    This is always the case for players who plays in the “link player” role. They end up being overrated just because of the role/task that is given to them by the coach, Xabi Alonso, Carrick, De Rossi, Pirlo, are some of the examples. I mean come on.. Like any other “link player”, Xavi is important for his team alright, but he is certainly not the best midfielder around (Although, I have to admit he is probably one of the best “link player” around). If he doesn’t make his team ticks, what else he can do for his team then?! jog? (^_^) LOL

    • March 22, 2010 at 2:18 pm

      Thank you, I think I am starting to get through to some people. If Xavi was on a average team, he would be an look average. Link players are only as good as the players they pass the ball to. Some link players have other parts to there game that make them great players like Fabregas and De Rossi with his defense but Xavi is simply a passer.

  • March 22, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    Do assists count as “linking” ?? get off the john Shane. Someone has to do the job and it’s him. I don’t have a beef with Denilson, but just throwing all these players into one bag and saying they aren’t important or that they are overrated is misinformed. And Denilson isn’t as good as Xavi yet. They are different anyways. Xavi pops up in the 18 yard box from time to time. Denilson doesn’t do that yet. Xavi is more than a mere link player. He isn’t the best in the world. Fabregas is the best midfielder in the world in my opinion.

  • March 22, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Milo…You just said exactly what I said. Anyways..I asked if you had some beef against Denilson because you always bring him up. You once even said Eastmond is better than Denilson.

  • March 22, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    I can’t argue. I’m so confused now that I don’t know who said what about what player. i give up. I’m not going to state my opinion on players if I’m wrong all the time. I think Eastmond will become great and that is all I’m going to say. I see something in him. I don’t see it in Denilson despite his goals. Eastmond has something that Denilson doesn’t. I know I’m wrong but this is how i feel. I don’t want Denilson to leave, because he is serviceable, for now at least, but Eastmond has the potential to be as good if not better.

  • March 22, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    I can respect your opinion on Eastmond, I was just pointing out how Denilsons name some how creeps into most of your comments, lol.

  • March 23, 2010 at 5:11 am

    I used Denilson as an example because you yourself said that “linking play is what Denilson is best at” But to then to suggest (not say) that Denilson is as good as Xavi seems kind of strange. If indeed, this is the type of player Denilson will remain, then he has a way to go to reach Xavi’s level. Not a long way, but some way at least. To me Xavi is a bit more than just a linking player because he takes free kicks, corners, and he pops up with 5 or 6 goals and 15-20 assists every year if he is fit.

    • March 23, 2010 at 6:38 am

      I never said Denilson is better than Xavi. That is a ridiculous comment. You brought Denilson up. Please dont put words in my mouth like that because people read that and think I said something like that when I try to only say well thought out comments.

  • March 23, 2010 at 6:23 am

    Xavi is world class. Always in space available for a pass, very very rarely loses possession (I’ve only seen him lose the ball twice this season, and it was in the one game he where was carrying an injury), constantly directing play (yes, to the players who really make things happen, but thats the beauty of his game, its so simple but so hard to do well). He puts in a shift and tackles, good on the dead ball, eye for goal and the vision for a final ball.

    If you were playing any team with him on it, the chances are you wouldn’t be seeing much of the ball. This is just my opinion, of course.

    • March 23, 2010 at 6:46 am

      Dude he is simply a simple passer nothing more. Eye for goal?….How many goals has he scored? 6 goals in the league last year and 2 this year on one of the highest scoring teams in the world is hardly an eye for goal. Plus everyone keeps saying he is a freekick specialist but no one notices he rarely scores them. Also every Barca player barely looses the ball. If Xavi was on a weaker team, his simple passes would be just that, simple passes. fthera messi to turn that simple pass into a great goal then Xavi would look average. Once again, He is a great link man but gets way to much credit.

  • March 23, 2010 at 8:36 am

    He makes through balls as well Shane. Which we all know Denilson doesn’t do…YET!!! He probably will staart to do that once he gains more confidence. Like I said before, the only reason I mentioned Denilson is because you said that he was a link player. And then you said Xavi is a link player. They are totally, totally different players in my opinion. I’m sure you think the same way too. Denilson will be a lot more like Xabi Alonso when he fully develops. Maybe not the freekicks, but everything else.

  • March 23, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    I think Denilson can go lots of different ways. It is to early for me do judge for sure what he will turn out to be but he looks like he will be a box to box midfielder. He doesnt have the same passing range as Xabi Alonso does. He is far more likely to end up around the box taking shots tho.

  • March 23, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    Yeah, if Denilson weren’t injured during the Everton game I bet we would see a lot more running from him. As it is he is doing fine anyway, but at the start of next year, we could see him with a lot more energy. I know that goes for everyone, but it applies particularly to him, because he has been knocked around a bit I think.

    • March 23, 2010 at 6:24 pm

      Yah, he will always be a sqaud player to me. Next year I think Song, Fabregas, and Diaby will be the best centermidfield in the world. My prediction. Not to mention when Rambo gets back.

  • March 24, 2010 at 2:46 am

    Well I know he’ll always be just a squad player. It’s hard to forget that this is Arsenal and we need the best, but in past years we have had some great service from players who might not be included in everyone’s ideal starting 11 !!!:D And I think it might be time for him to be a squad player for Brazil as well. Felipe Melo has been truly god darn terrible this year. I’ve seen him play close to 15 times. He starts ok in the first 15 or 20 minutes and then it’s all down hill after that. He is better than what he has been showing, but he won’t recover this year. If he hasn’t already, then how can he??

  • March 24, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    On the felipe melo thing, players have off years and you have to understand that Italy is the worst place to have an off year especially when you are a big money signing. They “boo” you so fast it is ridiculous. He has still been playing good in the brazil games and I would take him on a knock down fee. That would allow Song to be 3rd choice centerback if there is an injury because then Melo could slot in at dm. Plus he can play in front of song aswell

  • March 24, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    Well as long as it wouldn’t affect Song’s confidence it would be good. But I love Song in that holding role, and I wouldn’t move him unless he wants to play centre half. I saw Melo for Fiorentina last season and he was dominant. I know players have off years, it’s just that at club level, he hardly looks the same player! I haven’t seen him play for Brazil since the confederations cup. I missed their friendly with Ireland.Wouldn’t his acquisition cause undue congestino in midfield?? He could be backup to Song, or Denilson or Diaby, but would he want to be 2nd choice?? I guess we’ll find out in the summer if he wants to stay at Juve or not. I’d admire him greatly if he stuck it out, but it seems an almost untenable position he is in.

  • March 24, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    No song would just be the back up centerback, and the starting dm.

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